Every year, as most of us I do, I spend the final week of the month reflecting on the last 365 days and thinking about setting intentions for the upcoming year. It goes without saying, we've all had our ups and downs over the past two years. We've had to develop resiliency and often times patience and flexibility. I am most thankful for my health and the health of my family and friends. I was also very sad to say goodbye to two close family members this past year. That experience, taught me, more than anything to let the insignificant frustrations go and enjoy every day, even the difficult ones. Challenges help us create a stronger, wiser version of ourselves, that's a wonderful concept. There are so many moments to cherish and so much to be thankful for.
Here are my intentions for 2022. I plan to write these in my journal and check in on them weekly.
Wishing you all more love, hugs, happiness, health and prosperity in 2022. Keep believing in the power of magic, cheers! xx
* Spend more time reading and less time on the phone.
* Finish one book a month, this will include two classic novels.
* Continue to grow my business, work smarter and have new projects photographed and featured in publications.
* Let go of anything that is not serving me.
* Meditate at least twice a week
* Be present and practice mindfulness!
* Limit over analyzing the past or worrying about the future
* Practice a love over fear mindset
* Invest more money for retirement
* Limit complaining and explaining
* Organize and clean out my basement - clutter is stressful
* Write and send more letters, thank you notes, birthday cards
* Adopt an abundance mindset
* Practice French, in the car
* Watch one classic film each month
* Begin each day with a daily affirmation
* Continue growing and refining my cutting garden in the Spring, finish my yard and gardens, porch area/railings
* Spin 3x a times a week minimum, run 1x a week, walk 1x a week, try cycling outdoors*
* Blog more often. Research new artists, cities, architects and cultural interests!
* Entertain friends more at home!
* To live with as much passion as possible!!
